The season of cozy...

Autumn is a season of cozy warmth and vibrant colors, where the air turns crisp and the world is painted in shades of amber and gold. The wonderful scents of fall—spiced cinnamon, earthy pine, and sweet pumpkin—fill the air, evoking feelings of comfort and nostalgia. It’s a time for soft sweaters, crackling fires, and the joy of gathering with loved ones, as nature wraps itself in a blanket of leaves and the world slows down to savor the beauty of the season.

Discover Wonderful

We are Perch. Always polished, innovative and committed to sustainability and our environment, we have set the standard for premium artisan home fragrance. For over 25 years our cornerstone has been supporting small business. Hand crafted from our workshop in Los Angeles by master chandlers, using the best of everything, we really love what we do and hope our creations inspire you at home, abroad or wherever Life Smells Great.®

more about us...

Apricot Clean

We love eco-friendly living. Our proprietary all vegetable Apricot Wax is just that. Made from apricot kernel, it provides a clean, non-toxic base and beautiful platform to build perfect, multi-dimensional fragrance. We want your home to be a safe, enjoyable toxic-free space. Here's our product commitment to you...

No Parabens

No Additives

No Sulfates

No Dyes

No Alcohol

No Phthalates

Cruelty Free

No Diethyl Phthalates